My Cousin

Created by Matthew one month ago

i remember many visits and sleep overs in our time as children that will live happily in my memory. Though some elements of our childhood together are pinged by the nostalgic embers of those times.

Sonic the ridiculous as it sounds, will always remind me of me sitting with Paul playing and watching him play this game. He was much better than me and got to the levels i had never even seen before (haven't seen since).

We all had this amazing trip to Euro Disney together. Thanks to my uncle Steve (Paul and Pen's dad) we had a video to remember this trip. Unfortunately our VHS copy was lost to time, but there is a part that really stuck with me. Watching Paul drive one of the cars with his dad next to him. The beaming smile on his face as he was living that moment. It was a priceless image and lesson to appreciate as many moments in life as possible. Though i still dont really know why we all had 150 goes on Thunder Mountain?!

Paul will forever have a place in my heart for the fun loving person i knew growing up. I never got to know him much since adulthood. So, having such pure and happy memories of our youth together, it will only be filled with the memories of love.

A boy that loved his football and movies, and introduced me to the cult clssic Starship Troopers.

As our shared childhood goes, i really enjoyed the times we got to see Paul and Pen. 2 people that have had to overcome the hardest things anyone should ever have to experience at such young ages. But they kept going. The strength they both shown was something i could never imagine. Sadly, Paul is no longer with us and i pray he is back with his beautiful and loving parents. With that beaming smile of his.

I wish so many things could have been different.

I love ya cuz. XXX